SAH Disaster Restoration Vancouver
24 HR Emergency Response


Covid 19 Working Safer Pledge

The Better Business Bureau has created a “Working Safer Pledge” for businesses to demonstrate “commitment to the safety of [their] employees, customers, and community.” As this is an important belief of ours which we have been prioritizing for a long time now, there was no hesitation for us to join in and take the pledge!

Following the pledge as well as provincial mandates, we are working hard to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and keep everyone safe.

We wear full protective equipment on all jobs that put us at risk for any type of contamination, but during these times we have made masks mandatory in both the office and in the field – no matter where we are.
We have supplied all employees with reusable masks as well as stocked all vehicles and offices with disposable masks and hand sanitizer.
Speaking of our office, we have chosen to close our doors to the public, and reduced the amount of employees in our offices. With less foot traffic we are able to better monitor symptoms and comfortably social distance.
Decontamination of all surfaces and touch points has become apart of our routine, cleaning all areas multiple times daily.


We encourage all businesses to take the pledge, and all individuals to follow the Covid-19 protocols set recommended by health experts and mandates set by their local government.